In a single bedroom apartment, it’s quite challenging to put a digital piano into a tiny living room, I end up need to sacrifice the TV cabinet, however, I lose the storage area, in addition, there is plenty of space wasted under the piano, therefore I came up with an idea to use wine crates to fill up those empty spaces. Thanks for the wine crates donation from my friend Steve and the wine distributor Ginsberg+Chan !
These wine crates were in a very good condition.
The first step is sanding, in order to make the surface smooth.
Two crates on top with openable front cover, two hinges installed inside, the magnet on top that retain the cover when it’s closed.
Create the self-supported structure to hold up wine crate’s weight.
Colouring it with chalkboard paint.
Looks like a crime scene!! Spent me 3 hours to clean up the mass!!
The top one for modem and Time Capsule.
CDs at bottoms crates on both sides.