I Quit Duolingo After 322 Days of Use

Since last year, I’ve been using Duolingo to learn Korean. My approach was to learn Korean from Japanese, as I believed this would be faster due to the similarities in grammar between the two languages. ( I got JLPT N1 level in Japanese BTW )

Advantages of Duolingo:

  • Bite-sized Learning: The app offers daily lessons that take only 15-30 minutes. This repetitive method helps reinforce memory.
  • Engaging, Game-like Structure: The gamified elements keep learning fun and motivate continued use.
  • Early Success: Within the first few months, I was able to pronounce Korean correctly and memorize basic vocabulary.
  • Free Access: Despite being a free app, it provides a substantial amount of content and learning opportunities.

Reasons for Quitting:

  • Increased Quiz Length: After reaching section 3, the quizzes became much longer, with 18 questions. This length caused me to lose patience and interest midway through.
  • Diminished Enjoyment: In sections 1 and 2, I could complete 3-5 lessons a day with enjoyment. However, from section 3 onwards, I found myself only completing one quiz before feeling the urge to stop.
  • Loss of Interest in Rankings: Initially, the ranking system was motivating, but over time, it became less appealing, and I stopped caring about my position.
  • Lack of Grammar Revision: The app does not provide a systematic way to review grammar and tense rules, which are crucial for mastering a new language.


Duolingo is a great app, especially since it’s free. It helped me learn basic Korean structure and vocabulary. However, to be perfect, it needs improvements in the later sections and a system to review grammar and tenses. If these changes were made, I would gladly pay for the app. I’m thankful to Duolingo for giving me a good start in learning Korean.

Did anyone else feel the same way? Please share your thoughts!

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