DIY wine crates furniture.

In a single bedroom apartment, it’s quite challenging to put a digital piano into a tiny living room, I end up need to sacrifice the TV cabinet, however, I lose the storage area, in addition, there is plenty of space wasted under the piano, therefore I came up with an idea to use wine crates to fill up those empty spaces. Thanks for the wine crates donation from my friend Steve and the wine distributor Ginsberg+Chan ! Wine CratesThese wine crates were in a very good condition. Wine crate sandingThe first step is sanding, in order to make the surface smooth. Wine Crate Furniture-12Two crates on top with openable front cover, two hinges installed inside, the magnet on top that retain the cover when it’s closed. Wine Crate Furniture-20Create the self-supported structure to hold up wine crate’s weight. chalkboard paint Colouring it with chalkboard paint. DIY chaosLooks like a crime scene!! Spent me 3 hours to clean up the mass!! Wine Crate Furniture-30Done! Wine Crate Furniture-27The top one for modem and Time Capsule. Wine Crate Furniture-28 Wine Crate Furniture-32 CDs at bottoms crates on both sides. Wine Crate Furniture-29 Wine Crate Furniture-30-2

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